PET BITS – BUNNY: The Bunny-Bit registers the entry of your child and plays with an original robotic effect. Your pet bits interact with the others through a special call, dance and talk to each other with cute verses. Pet bits are the first animals interactive. The friendly little robot records the voice and reproduces it with a robotic effect.
Bunny-Bit hears the sounds and reacts to the young child’s hands clapping. This amusing puppy robot moves and dances according to the number of times you clap your hands. Hilarious: Mimic your voice and react when you clap your hands. Interactive: Feed your puppy and play with them through the free App
PET BITS – BUNNY: The Pet Bits are all worth being collected! Each robot has its own personality and interacts with the others, using a special call. The Pet Bits dance and talk to each other with cute sounds. With the free APP, the young child will be able to take the first steps in the world of Coding in an amusing manner which is right for the littlest ones. Interact with your robotic puppy and look after it, giving it food and things that you will win during the game.
Although rabbits’ earliest relationship with humans was as a fur-and-food commodity, people were already keeping rabbits as pets by the 18th century. British poet William Cowper kept hares in his home to help combat his severe depression, and he wrote eloquently of his love and appreciation for these creatures as companion animals.
Perceives the sounds and reacts to the beats of the child’s hands: the funny robot bunny moves and dances based on the number of times his hands are beaten. The child can also have fun making their Bunny Bit talk! The cute little robot in fact records the voice and reproduces it with an original robotic effect. Each robot has its own personality and interacts with others thanks to a special call; Pet Bits dance and talk to each other with nice verses. With the free APP, the child will be able to take the first steps in the world of Coding in a fun and child-friendly way a unique gift idea for kids and toys to learn.